Today we will be discussing the topic of Homosexuality.
What is the Homosexuality?
The quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to people of one’s own sex is homosexuality.
Why is homosexuality?
Allah created this beautiful world only for a human being. Allah inaugurated this world by sending the man with his partner who was a woman for he knew that the man can’t live without a woman as she can’t live without him.
Allah counted this as His reward and gift for the mankind in the Holy Quran says, “And it is in His signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquillity in them, and He has created love and kindness between you. Surely in this the signs for a people who reflect.”
Thus Allah sent them both and made them concomitance for each other but the men have been made caretaker of women. Allah says in the holy Quran, “Men are the caretaker of women since Allah has made some of them excel the others, and because of the wealth they have spent.”
However these two close friends are partners of life but there are many differences between them, in their physical structure, in their patients, in their attitude, behavior, thinking ability, decision-making ability, and many more things. The man has more power than the woman. Man can bear the hot winds of the society for he has some patience but the woman has no ability of it.
So these two types of the flowers-man and woman- make this garden (the world) beautiful and fill the color in this world by making between them a lovely relationship.
So, they become the reason for increasing the garden one by one and this is the beauty of this relationship of partnership and this is the main purpose of making them concomitant with each other. This is why Allah sent them both together not one by one.
So, it’s proved that the needed thing to complete the pair is in the opposite sex not in its own sex.
A brief history of homosexuality
Here is everything you need to know about today’s topic.
When is it started?
The people who lived in the territory now called Trans-Jordan and is situated between ‘Iraq and Palestine attempted first time this most heinous sin.
According to the Bible, its head-quarters was Sodom which was situated somewhere near the Dead Sea or has been submerged in it.
The Talmud says that they had four more big cities besides Sodom, and the land between these cities looked like one big garden for miles and charmed the onlookers. But now those cities cannot be located with accuracy because the whole land is covered by the Dead Sea, which is also called Lot’s Sea.
Who was Lot?
Prophet Lot was the nephew of Prophet Abraham. He left ‘Iraq’ along with his uncle and travelled with him over Syria, Palestine, and Egypt in order to gain experience for the propagation of the Message. Then he was appointed as a Messenger by Allah and sent to reform the wicked tribe.
It is a pity that in the existing Bible, which has been tampered with by the Jews, the character of Prophet Lot has been blemished. Besides other things, even his mission to the plains of Jordan has been described as a migration to a fertile land after “a strife between the herdsmen of Abraham’s cattle and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle”. (Genesis 5: 12, 13). But the Qur’an refutes this allegation and says that Lot was appointed a Messenger and was sent there in order to reform those people.
At many places, the Qur’an mentions some other crimes of these people, but at every place where these people come, Quran mentions only their most heinous crime (homo sexuality) that brought about the scourge of Allah on them.
Who did make it lawful?
Although wicked people have always been committing this most heinous sin that has given the people of Sodom an everlasting notoriety, yet it has always been considered a filthy and detestable act.
But the only people who have ever tried to raise it to a moral excellence, were the Greek philosophers in the ancient world, and the Europeans in the modern world.
The latter are doing their utmost to make up the deficiency by making an open propaganda for it, and have succeeded in giving this filthy act a legal sanction. So much so that the legislatures of some countries have legalized it.
Why is homosexuality a social crime and curse to the men?
It does not require an elaborate argument to show that homosexuality is a horrible social crime and a heinous sin.
For the Creator has made the male and the female of each and every living species different from the difference in the human species has been created to serve another purpose.
This is to urge the two to live together in order to form a family along with their offspring.
For this is the foundation of a civilized life for which man has been created.
That is why their bodies have been made complementary to attract each other for the satisfaction of sex urges and for the service of the natural function of reproduction of the species.
Why is he a deceiver who commits that heinous sin?
Therefore the one who satisfies this sex urge (lust) in an unnatural way becomes guilty of many crimes at one and the same time.
(1) Such a one, so to speak, wages a war against the natural and physical functioning of his own organs and those of the victims of his lust. This inevitably produces very harmful effects on their physiques, their minds, and their morality.
(2) He becomes guilty of treachery and dishonesty against Nature for he enjoys sexual pleasure, without performing the necessary service of his species and civilization and without fulfilling the rights and obligations attached to it.
(3) He commits a breach of trust against the society in general for he enjoys all the benefits of the civilized society, but in his turn does not take on himself the responsibilities of the married life and wastes all his powers in the unnatural gratification of his sexual desires.
This selfish and unworthy attitude is not only useless but also positively harmful to the collective morality. Thus he makes himself unfit for the service of the family and of the human race and produces unnatural feminine characteristics in, at least, one other male, and opens the way to adultery and moral degradation for at least two women.
Why is this the worst community on earth?
The very fact that the people who started this sin could not tolerate even the presence of pious people among them, shows that they had gone to the lowest depths of moral degradation.
They were not only shameless, wicked and immoral but also had lost every feeling of goodness and virtue. That is why they wanted to turn out Prophet Lot and his followers so that none should be left among them to invite them to virtue.
What did happen with them who started the crime of homosexuality?
When they, as a community, reached this extreme limit of wickedness and no vestige of goodness was left in them, Allah decreed that they should be totally exterminated because there was then no justification for their existence on the earth. Their case may be likened to a basket of apples, most of which are rotten, and only a few are good. When the good apples are taken out of it, then the remaining fruit becomes utterly useless and should, therefore, be thrown away into a heap of garbage.
Allah said, “We rained down upon them a rain. So, look! How was the fate of the sinners!”
The “rain” was not a rain of water but a rain of stones as has been explicitly stated at many places in the Qur’an.
“When our command came to pass we turned their habitations upside down and rained on it stones of hard clay one over another marked from your Lord. And it is not far from the transgressors.”
What is the punishment of who support these sinners?
It has been made clear in the Quran that Lot’s wife supported her disbelieving relatives in their conflict with the Prophet, and did not leave them up to the end. That is why Allah ordained that Lot should not take her away with his followers.
Allah Says, “So, move with your family in a part of the night, and none of you shall turn to look back, except your woman. There has to befall her whatever will befall them.”
At many places, the Qur’an merely declares that sodomy is such a heinous sin that it brought the wrath of Allah on a people.
Then we learn from the guidance of the Holy Prophet that it is the duty of the Islamic State to eradicate this crime and should punish those who are guilty of it.
In regard to this there are traditions with wording to this effect: (a) “kill the sodomite and the object of sodomy”. (b) ” ……whether they are married or unmarried”. (e) “Stone to death the upper one and the lower one”. But no definite and specific punishment was prescribed for the criminals because, during his time, no case of sodomy was ever brought before the Holy Prophet.
There are, however, some traditions from his successors regarding this.
Hadrat Ali is of the opinion that the criminals should be killed with a sword and the dead bodies should not be buried but burnt to ashes. Hadrat Abu Bakr also agrees with it.
Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Uthman arc of the opinion that they should be taken under the roof of a dilapidated building, which should be pulled down on them.
Hadrat lbn Abbas has decreed that they should be thrown down headlong from the top of the highest building of the habitation and then stoned to death.
Imam Shaafi`i says that both the criminals involved in sodomy should be killed, whether married or unmarried.
According to Sha`abi” Zuhari, Malik and Ahmad, they should be stoned to death.
Saeed bin Musayyib, ‘Ata, Hasan Basri, Ibrahim Nakha`i, Sufyan Thauri, and Auza`i are of the opinion that the punishment is the same as for adultery, that is, one hundred stripes and exile for the unmarried, and stoning to death for the married.
Imam Abu Hanifah is of the opinion that the culprit should be punished in accordance with the circumstances of the crime with an exemplary punishment. There is also a saying of Imam Shafi`i to this effect.
It should also be noted that it is unlawful for the husband to commit sodomy with his own wife. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has declared, “The man who commits such an act with a woman is accursed” and “Allah will not even look at a person who commits this offense with a woman”.
In another Tradition, he has warned, “The one who cohabits with a woman in her menses or commits sodomy with her or goes to a soothsayer and believes him to be true is a disbeliever in what has been sent down to Muhammad.”
Topic – Homosexuality