Best Ramadan Mubarak Quotes are here for everyone.
1-If Allah loves you more than a mother you should not be ashamed of crying to him like a baby.
2-O Allah! Make this month a turning point in our lives where we turned towards you.
3- Ramadan is a month of Allah, whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness whose end is freedom from fire.
4- This Ramadan promise yourself that you will begin a new friendship with the Quran throughout your life and recite from it daily.
5- When Ramadan begins the gates of paradise are opened.
6- O you who believe decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.(Al-Quran 2/183)
7-In ‘RAMADAN’ every letter tells us something. Do you want to know what?
R stands for Remember,
A stands for Allah,
M stands for Morning,
A stands for Afternoon,
D stands for Day,
A stands for And,
N stands for Night.
8-Ramadan is not giving up bad habits temporarily. Ramadan is a turning point to become a better Muslim and give them up for good.
9-Try to forgive everyone who has wronged you so that you can focus on entering the month of Ramadan with a pure heart.
10-Happiness is waiting for the blessed month of Ramadan.
11-Ramadan is about rebuilding your Iman.
12- Ramadan is not too far away now, Start to prepare your self and your soul now and don’t leave it till then.
13-Ramadan will heal rusted hearts.
4 weeks of Mercy,
30 days of worship,
72043200 hours of spirituality,
2592000 seconds of happiness
make the most of Ramadan.
15-Ramadan can be the turning point for a lot of Muslims, so don’t mock those who start practicing in the Ramadan, this may be their turning point.
16-Live your life like everyday is Ramadan and the akhirah will become your eid.