Quran Says: 100 Sayings of Holy Book Quran

Quran Says: 100 Sayings of Holy Book Quran are here in this article,

1. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)
2. Restrain anger (3:134)
3. Be good to others (4:36)
4. Do not be arrogant (7:13)
5. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)
6. Speak to people mildly (20:44)
7. Lower your voice (31:19)
8. Do not ridicule others (49:11)
9. Be dutiful to parents (17:23)
10. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)


the best man is who read quran
11. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)
12. Write down the debt (2:282)
13. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)
14. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard times (2:280)
15. Don’t consume usury (2:275)
16. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)
17. Do not break the promise (2:177)
18. Keep the trust (2:283)
19. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)
20. Judge with justice between people (4:58)

21. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)
22. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among their family members (4:7)
23. Women also have the right to inheritance (4:7)
24. Do not devour the property of orphans (4:10)
25. Protect orphans (2:220)
26. Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29)
27. Try for settlement between people (49:9)
28. Avoid suspicion (49:12)
29. Do not spy or backbite (49:12)
30. Those who do not judge in accordance to God’s revelations are wrongdoers (5:45)

100 Sayings of Holy Book Quran are here in this article,

31. Spend wealth in charity (57:7)
32. Encourage feeding poor (107:3)
33. Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
34. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)
35. Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)
36. Honor guests (51:26)
37. Order righteousness to people only after practicing it yourself (2:44)
38. Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)
39. Do not prevent people from going to mosques (2:114)
40. Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)

41. Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)
42. Do not turn back in battle (8:15)
43. No compulsion in religion (2:256)
44. Believe in all prophets (2:285)
45. Do not have sexual intercourse during menstrual period (2:222)
46. Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)
47. Do not even approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)
48. Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)
49. Do not burden a person beyond their scope (2:286)
50. Do not become divided (3:103)

51. Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3:191)
52. Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)
53. Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)
54. Men are protectors of women (4:34)
55. Do not be miserly (4:37)
56. Do not keep envy (4:54)
57. Do not kill each other (4:92)
58. Do not be an advocate for deceit (4:105)
59. Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)
60. Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)

100 Sayings of Holy Book Quran are here in this article,

61. ’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth (6:116)
62. Be just (5:8)
63. Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)
64. Strive against sinful and unlawful acts (5:63)
65. Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited (5:3)
66. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)
67. Do not gamble (5:90)
68. Do not insult others’ deities (6:108)
69. Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people (6:152)
70. Eat and drink, but be not excessive (7:31)

71. Wear good clothes during prayer times (7:31)
72. Protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)
73. Keep purity (9:108)
74. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)
75. Allah will forgive those who have done wrong out of ignorance (16:119)
76. Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction (16:125)
77. No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)
78. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
79. Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36)
80. Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)

81. Do not enter others’ houses without seeking permission (24:27)
82. Allah will provide security for those who believe only in Allah (24:55)
83. Walk on earth in humility (25:63)
84. Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)
85. Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)
86. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)
87. Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)
88. Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)
89. Women should not display their finery (33:33)
90. Allah forgives all sins (39:53)

91. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)
92. Repel evil by good (41:34)
93. Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)
94. Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)
95. No monasticism in religion (57:27)
96. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (58:11)
97. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
98. Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)
99. Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful (73:20)
100. Do not repel the petitioner/beggar (93:10)

Related Tags: Quran, Quran Reading, Quran Quotes

100 Best Islamic Quotes Which Help You in Being Positive 2019

Best Islamic Quotes Which Help You in Being Positive

Abdullah ibn ‘Umar Radi Allahu anhu said,

“The pleasure of the Lord lies in the pleasure of the parent. The anger of the Lord lies in the anger of the parent.” [Bukhari]

islamic quotes with image

Best Islamic Quotes Which Help You in Being Positive

“One of the greatest gifts and bounties we have been bestowed with from Allah Almighty is our mothers! Value your mum for it is such a blessing we cannot imagine!”
No matter how many mistakes you have made or how far you have gone down the wrong road, never despair, turn to Allah the Almighty with sincerity and you will find Him All-forgiving, The Most Merciful
When we speak always try to be careful with what we say and how we say it. Because we don’t know what the other person’s going through internally. Always try to be kind and uplift others with our words!
 When we pray, ALLAH hears more than we say, Answers more than we ask, Gives more than we can imagine, He’ll surely do what’s best for us! 

islamic image collection

Don’t dislike people just because you’ve heard something bad about them. Always give them the benefit of the doubt. Would you like others to do that to you? Surely you don’t want to be condemned by those you’ve not even met? Be fair. Allah the Almighty loves those who are fair-minded!
Patience is a quality of the heart. The more patient you are, the better person you become. An effective way to strengthen our patience is through the link with our Creator Allah the Almighty. Don’t lose that link. Exercise patience for His sake and He won’t let you down in your darkest moments.
Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans for today! Don’t take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often & sincerely be kind with all your heart. We may never have that chance again. Spread goodness wherever we go!
If you have a good heart, thank Allah. Don’t ever regret it. You may be let down by people and you’ll be disappointed, but no matter what happens, continue spreading goodness sincerely for the sake of Allah.

islamic image collections

Don’t expect anything in return from anybody. Rely only on Allah, He’ll surely give you the best of rewards.
Always be kinder than necessary. What goes around comes around. Never belittle or mistreat anybody. Uplift and be helpful towards others, not hurtful!
If you are sincere in your intentions, Allah will most definitely show you away. All it takes is some hope, trust, and perseverance.
Life is like a heavy storm. You don’t know when it’s going to hit you, how hard and if you are going to fall over. But remember the heavy storm will eventually dissipate and you will get back up if you do fall. Likewise, in life when you take a knock, recompose and get back up stronger. Never give up.

islamic images collection

No one, absolutely no one is free from doing wrong. We all do it. No matter how far we have gone down the wrong road, don’t ever think Allah won’t forgive you, He is The Most Merciful and He loves to forgive.
A smile doesn’t always mean happiness. Sometimes it means that despite everything someone might be going through, they choose to remain positive. Many people are fighting battles we don’t know about. Be helpful, be kind!
Try to forgive & move on. It’s extremely difficult to do, but the rewards are immense. Try to be the better person for the sake of Allah. Be kind to your heart. Let it go.
Do not allow your lives to be driven by what other people say. Go by what your objectives are, what your passions are, what your ideas are, and never ever downgrade your ideas are in moments of weakness.

Islamic images collection

The defeat does not destroy you, it’s being demoralized by the defeat that destroys you.
Don’t let the negativities of your past bring you down, don’t let it consume you. Remember, you can’t have a better tomorrow if you’re still thinking about yesterday. Be positive and look ahead, better things are still to come! Never lose hope.
Never leave your family on bad terms, because it could be the last time you get to see them and appreciate them. Anybody can buy you a gift, nobody can buy you a family. Remember your priorities. Always treat your family and loved ones with kindness and love!
Be a person who sincerely builds others up. Try to motivate, inspire and push one other to reach our positive goals.
Don’t be a person who is arrogant, belittles and looks down on others.

islamic images collection

Always try to be a person who spreads goodness and positivity wherever you go If people follow the ever guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah in every single step of this short staying life, Allah will change every and every horrific situation of the world!

Prophet Jesus, in the Light of Quran [Quotes, Images Story, Facts, Wiki]

Prophet Jesus, in the Light of QuranWhen Prophet Jesus came to know of their disbelief, he said, “Who will be my helper in the way of Allah? The disciples said we are the helpers in the way of Allah, “we believe in Allah so be our witness that we are Muslims. Our lord! We believe in what you sent down and we follow the messenger Jesus, so write us down among those who bear witness. (Aal-e-Imran3:52-53)

Prophet Jesus, in the Light of Quran

(And it was the part of His scheme) when Allah said, “O Jesus! I will recall you and raise you up to Me and will purify you (of the company) of those who disbelieve and will set your followers above the unbelievers till the day of resurrection. Then to Me shall all of you return and I shall judge between you regarding whatever you differed among yourselves. (Aal-e-imran3:55)

Those of the children of Israel who took to unbelief have been cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Mary, for they rebelled and exceeded the bounds of right. They did not forbid each other from committing the abominable deeds they committed. (Al-Maidah 5:78.79)

O believers! Be helper (to the cause) Of God; as Jesus son of Mary said to the disciples, “who is my helper in the cause of Allah.” The disciples responded by saying, “We are helpers of Allah.” Then a section of the children of Israel believed and a section rejected the call. Thereafter We aided the believers against their enemies and they prevailed. (Al-saff61:14)

In their wake, we sent a succession of Our messengers and raised Jesus son of Mary after all of them and bestowed upon him the Evangel, and We set tenderness and mercy in the hearts of those that followed him. As for monasticism it is they who invented it. We did not prescribe it for them. They themselves invented it in pursuit of God’s good pleasure, and then they did not observe it as it ought to have been observed. So We gave their reward to those of them that believed. But many of them are wicked. (Al-Hadeed52:27)

And remember when the angels said, “O Mary, God sends you the good news of a Command of His: his name shall be Messiah, Jesus son of Mary. He will be highly honoured in this world and in the Next World and he will be among those favoured by God. He will speak to the people alike when in the cradle and when grown up, and he will be among the righteous.” Hearing this, Mary said, “How, O Lord, shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me?” “Thus shall it be,” was the answer. God creates whatever He wills. When He decrees a thing, He only says, “Be” and it is. (Continuing their message, the angels added,) “And God will teach him the Book and wisdom, and give him the knowledge of the Torah and the Gospel, and appoint him as His Messenger to the children of Israel.” (Aal-e-Imran 3:45-49) 

(He said) “I have come to you with a clear Sign from your Lord: in your very presence, I make the likeness of a bird out of clay and breathe into it and it becomes, by God’s Command, a bird. I heal those born blind and the lepers and I bring to life the dead by God’s Command: I inform you of what you eat and what you store up in your houses. Surely there is a great Sign for you in all this, if you have a mind to believe. And I have come to confirm those teachings of the Guidance of the Torah which are intact in my time. Lo! I have come with a clear Sign from your Lord; so fear God and obey me. Indeed God is my Lord, and also your Lord; therefore worship Him alone: that is the straight way.” (Aal-e-Imran 3:49-51)

Tags: Prophet Jesus

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak 2022 Wishes, Greetings, Quotes

Bakrid Mubarak 2022 for those who are celebrating Bakrid 2020. Eid al-Adha also called the “Sacrifice Feast”, is the second of two Muslim festivals celebrated worldwide each year, and is considered the holier of the two. Hence, today we have collected all types of Bakrid status and Bakrid quotes for you, which you can use on your social media profile. Don’t forget to share our Bakrid wishes and Bakrid greetings with your friends.

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak 2018 Wishes Greetings Quotes

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak 2022 Wishes, Greetings, Quotes

Bakri Eid Ke Moke Per,
App Ke Chehre Per,
Ye Muskurahat Hamesha Lehrati Rahe.
Eid-Ul Adha Mubarak 2022

Koi Itna Chahe Hame Batana ,
Koi itni Fikr Kare hame Batana,
Eid Mubarak To Her Koi Kehega,

Lage Koi Hamare Andaz Main To Batana .
Eid-Ul Adha Mubarak 2022



Aasmaan Me Chaand Chadh Aaya Hai,
Sitaron Ne Bhi Aanchal Lehraaya Hai,
Aa Gaa Len Hum Khushi Ke Geet,
Dost Mere Mubarak Ho Tumhein Ye Eid.
Eid Mubarak 2022

Lo Aa Gayi Chaand- Raat,
Saath Hai Taaron Ki Baraat,
Jagmagaya Hai Har Ghar Aangan,
Sang Laayi Khushiyon Ki Saughaat,
Eid Mubarak To You!

Phoolon Ki Tarah Haste Raho,
Bhanwaron Ki Tarah Gungunao,
Allah Ka Ho Naam Labon Par,
Jamkar Ye Eid Manao.
Eid Mubarak To U & Ur Family!

Aya Hai Aaj Ka Din Ye Mubaarak,
Saji Hai Raunaqon Ki Mehfil Har Taraf,
Eid Hai Us Khuda Ka Nayaab Tohfa,
Aap Sabko Hamaari Taraf Se Eid Mubarak.
Eid Mubarak in Advanced.

Suraj Ne Bheji Hai Roshani Kirno Me,
Phoolon Ne Bheji Hai Mahak Hawao me,
Aap Eid Ke Chaand Se Jagmagaate Rahen,
De Asar Itna Khuda Hamaari Duaaon Me,
Eid Mubarak!

Eid Ke Khoobsurat Chaand Ka Ho Yahi Payaam,
Mulk Me Ekta Aur Bhaichaare Ka Ho Qayam,
Sajde Hon Qubool Mohabbat Ke, Bhoolen Hum Bair,
Gujhiyon Aur Siwaiyon Se Saje Meethi Muskaan.
Eid Mubarak 2022

Mere Mulk Ki Kuchh Aisi Hawa Ho,
Behti Har Taraf Sirf Mohabbat Ho,
Mandir- Masjid Ke Jhagde Na Ubhren,
Qubool Kare Khuda Sabke Sajde.
Eid Mubarak 2022

Aaaj Khuda  Hum Per Mahrbani Kare,
Maf Hamari Sari Nafarmani Kare,
Eid Ke Din Aaj Aao Mil Kar Karein Ye Dua ,
Khuda  Hamari Har Qurbani Qubul Kare.
Eid Mubarak 2022

Bakrid Mubarak 2022 Wishes

Lo Eid Ka Chaand Aaya,
Dher Saari Khushiyan Laaya,
Har Taraf Hain Raunaqon Ke Mele,
Har Chehra Bhi Hai Muskuraaya.
Eid Mubarak 2022

Dua Ke Liye Uthe Haath,
Na Kisi Ko Nuksaan Pahunchaayen,
Aaj Is Mubarak Din Par,
Hum Ye Eidi Paayen.
Happy Eid Mubarak 2022

Door Hain Ya Paas Hain,
Meri Duaayen Sadaa Aapke Saath Hain,
Allah Ka Haath Sadaa Aapke Sar Par Rahe.
Happy Eid Mubarak 2022

Na Zuban Se,
Na Dimagh Se,
Na Nigahon Se,
Na Gifts Se,
Aapko Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak Ho Direct Dil Se.

Zindagi Ka Har Pal Khushiyon Se Kam Na Ho,
Ap Ka Har Din Eid Se Kam Na Ho,

Yehi Dua He,
K Aisa Eid Ka Din Aap Se Kabhi Gum Na Ho.
Happy Eid

Suraj Ki Kirnay Aur Taaron Ki Bahaar, Chand Ki Chandni Aur Apno Ka Pyaar ,
Har Pal Ho Khushaal Usi Tarhan Mubarak Ho Aapko Eid Ka Yeh Apna Teyohar.
Eid Mubarak

Sada Muskurate Raho Jaise Haste Hain Phool,
Duniya Ki Sare Gum Tumhe Jaye Bhool, Charo Taraf Phehlao Khushiyon Ka Geet,
Yeh Dua Ke Sath Yaar Tumhe Mubarak Ho Eid -Ul Azha.

Aaj Khuda Ki Hum Par Ho Meherbani, Karde Maf Hamari Sari Nafarmani,
Eid Ke Din Aj Aao Mil Ker Karein Yehi Wada,
Khuda Ki Rahon Mein Hum Chalenge Sada.
Eid Mubarak


Eid Leke Aati Hai Dhero Khushiyan, Aur Mita Deti Hai Sari Duriyaan,
Yeh Teyohar Hain Khuda Ka Ek Naymat e mubarak,
Isi Liye Kahte Hain Sab Ko
Eid-Ul Azha Mubarak

Aaj Se Amiri Garibi K Fasle Na Rahen,
Har Insan Ek Duje Ko Aapna Bhai Kahe,
Aj Sb Kuch Bhool Ka Aa Gale Lag Ja,
Mubarak Ho Tuje Yeh Eid-Ul-Azha.

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak 2022 Wishes

Momin Ka,
Her Wo Din,
Eid Ka Din Hay,
Jis Din Wo,
Koi Gunah Na Kare.
Mubarak Ho Eid -Ul Azha.

Phoolon Ki Tarah Haste Raho,
Bhanwaron Ki Tarah Gungunao,
Allah Ka Ho Naam Labon Par ,
Jamkar Ye Eid Manao.
Mubarak Ho Eid -Ul Azha 2022

Lo Eid Ka Chaand Aaya Dher Saari Khushiyan Laaya ,
Har Taraf Hain Raunkon Ke Mele Har Chehra Per Muskan Laya.
Mubarak Ho Eid -Ul Azha 2022

Aaj Ke Din Kya Ghata Chhayi Hai,
Charo Aur Khusiyo Ki Fiza Chhayi Hai, Keh Raha Hai Har Koi Ye Baat,
Ho Khusiyo Bhara Ye Tera Din Raat.
Mubarak Ho Eid -Ul Azha

Sada Haste Raho Jaise Haste Hai Phul, Duniya Ki Sare Gam Tumhe Jaye Bhul,
Charo Taraf Khushiyo Ka Geet,
Eisi Ummid Ka Sath Yaar Tumhe.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Eid Mubarak Ho Apko,
Dher Sari Tarif Aur Khusiya Mile Apko,
Jb Eidi Mile Apko To
Please Ap Yaad Krna Sirf Hmko
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Sada Haste Raho Jaise Haste Hai Phul,
Duniya Ki Sare Gam Tmeh Jaye Bhul,
Charo Taraf Failao Khushiyo Ka Geet,
Eisi Umid Ka Sath Yaar Tumhe.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Aasha Hai Ki Piyaar Aur Laugao,
Garmee, Shubhakaamanaen,
Khushee Aur Eed Kee Shubhakaamanaen,
Aanand, Aapake Eid Aur Aapaka Jeevan Ka  Hissa Banen.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Jaisa Ki Allaah Ne Apanee Rachana Mein Paanee Diya,
Maee Vah Bhee Aap Aur Aapake,
Priyajanon Par Apane Adbhut Aasheervaad Chhidaken.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak!

Chand Dekha Gaya Hain Sham Ki Taiyaar Hain Yahaan Aata Hai,
Eid To Bas Sthir Raho Bahut Saare Dua Sab Hain,
Main Anurodh Karata Hoon Aur Sirph Aap Sabhee Kee Ichchha Karana Chaahata Tha,
Best Eid Mubarak. Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

100 Bakrid  2022 Greetings, Quotes

Sabhee Gulaab Itr Ke Saath Aur Duniya Mein Sabhee Roshanee Ke Saath,
Aur Sabhee Bachchon Ke Saath Muskuraata Hai
I Wish You A Very Happy Eid.

Eid Ke Shubh Avasar Aapako Shaanti Se Aasheervaad De Sakate Hain Aur Apane Dil Aur Ghar Par Khushee La Sakate Hain
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Eed Ul Adha Mein, Badhaee Dene Ke Lie Ki Aapake Balidaan Kee Saraahana Kee Jaatee Hain,
Aur Aapakee Praarthanaon Ka Uttar Sarvashaktimaan Dvaara Diya Jaata Hain.
Have A Blessed

Allaah Ke Divy Aasheervaad Maee Aasha Hain,
Eed-Ul-Adha Aur Hamesha Ke Lie Vishvaas Aur Aanand.
Haippee Eed Ul Adha 2022

Aap Aur Aapake Parivaar Ke Lie Eed Mubaarak,
Allaah Ke Maargadarshan Aur Aasheervaad Maee Aur Tumhaare Parivaar Ke Saath Ho.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Eed Ul Adha Ke Pavitr Avasar Par Jo Hajj Manaata Hai,
Aap Khushee Se Bhare Rahen Aur Jeevan Ke Dvaara Apanee Yaatra Ke Har Kadam Ko Allaah Ke Aasheervaad Praapt Kar Sakate Hain.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Eed Ul Adha Mubaarak: Yah Unake Maans Nahin Hai Aur Na Hee Unaka Khoon Hai, Jo Allaah Tak Pahunchata Hai,
Yah Tumhaaree Dhaarmikata Hai Jo Us Par Pahunchata Hai: Is Prakaar Unhonne Unhen Aap Ke Adheen Bana Diya Hai,
Taaki Aap Apane Maargadarshan Ke Lie Allaah Kee Mahima Kar Saken Aur Jo Bhee Sahee Kar Rahe Hain
Unsabhee Ko Khushakhabaree Sunaen.

Balidaan Se Pahale Kuchh Nahin Khaana
Masjid Kee Taraph Se Aur Unase Tabaabeeraat Ka Paath Karane Ke Lie
Mahilaon Aur Bachchon Sahit Poore Parivaar Ko Eed Kee Praarthana Ke Lie Jaana Chaahie
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Kya Is Eed Ka Jaadoo Aapake Jeevan Mein Bahut Saaree Khushee Laega ,
Aap Ise Apane Sabhee Kareebee Doston Ke Saath Mana Sakate Hain,
Aur Yah Aapake Dilon Ko Aashcharyajanak Dhang Se Bhar Sakate Hain.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Kya Is Eed Ka Jaadoo Aapake Jeevan Mein Bahut Saaree Khushee Laega,
Aur Aap Ise Apane Sabhee Kareebee Doston Ke Saath Mana Sakate Hain,
Yah Aapake Dilon Ko Aashcharyajanak Dhang Se Bhar Sakate Hain.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak Quotes

Allaah Abhee Tak Kya Kiya Hai Ke Baare Mein Bhool Nahin Hai,
Pyaar Ke Saath Aapaanee Dil,
Aadhaayatamik Ke Saath Mumataamee Aatmaan,
Buddhi Ke Saath Apana Dimaag, Aap Ko Ek Paree Chaahate Hain
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Allaah Aapako Khushee, Khushee,
Is Blaiisaid Ochachenj Par Pepail Aur Preesperieree
Is Khush Aalingan Par Aapako Aur Aapake Parivaar Ko Badhaee Dena
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Ho Sakata Hai Ki Yah Aapake Bahut Se Logon Ke Majistret Ho Aur,
Aap Apane Sabhee Chlosaee Friainds Ke Saath Yah Chhailaibratai Maee Aur Yah Apane Haiart Chamatkaar Ke Saath Bhar Sakata Hai
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Ho Sakata Hai Ki Aapane Apana Jeevan Is Okarchien Se Chhudaaya, Pyaare Ke Saath Aapaka Haeert,
Aadhyaatmik Roop Se Tumhaaree Aatma, Buddhi Ke Saath Apana Man,
Wishing You A Very Happy Eid.

Eed Par Aap Ko Garmajoshee Se Bheja Ja Raha Hai,
Badhaee Dene Ke Lie Ki Yah Aapake Sukh Aur Khushee Ka Raasta Laata Hai,
Apanee Praarthana Mein Mujhe Yaad Rakhen

Har Saajha Muskaan Aur Hansee,
Har Maun Praarthana Mein Uttar Diya,
Har Tarah Se Jo Aapake Raaste Mein Aata Hai,
Allaah Aapako Bahut Aasheervaad De Sakata Hai!

Allaah Aapako Khushee, Khushee,
Is Dhany Avasar Par Shaanti Aur Samrddhi
Is Khush Avasar Par Aap Aur Aapake Parivaar Ko Badhaee Dena

S Pavitr Aur Khushee Ke Avasar Par,
Sarvashaktimaan Allaah Ka Aasheervaad Neeche Aa Sakata Hai Aur Apane Kandhon Par Aur Un Logon Par,
Jinake Saath Aap Pyaar Karate Hain Aur Khajaana Karate Hain,
Aur Is Varsh Aur Aane Vaale Varshon Mein Aap Bahut Khush Hain.
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak

Vah Chandrama Dekha Gaya Hai,
Samosazz Taiyaar Hain,
Yahaan Eeaeedee Aatee Hai To Bas Sthir Rahen,
Bahut Saare Praarthana Karata Hai Ki Main Anurodh Karata Hoon,
Eid -Ul Azha Mubarak.

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak Quotes

Bhagavaan Apana Pyaar Bhej Sakate Hain,
Dhoop Kee Tarah Apane Garm Mein,
Aur Apane Dil Ke Har Kornar Ko Bharane Ke Lie Komal Tareeke,
Aur Khushee Kee Ek Bahut Kuchh Ke Saath Aapakee Zindagee Bhar Dee,
Like This Eid Day.

Ek Eed Ichchha Se Adhik Bas,
Ek Sandesh Ke Mukaabale Adhik. Isake Lie Garm Aur Pyaar Ke Saath Vichaar Aata Hai,
Kyonki Yah Aapake Lie Matalab Hain,
Happy Eid Mubarak To All Muslims.

Kuch Musharat Majeed Ho Jaye.
Isi Bahane Eid Ho Jaye.
Eid Ke Din Milne Jo Aap Jaye.
Meri Bhi Eid, Eid Ho Jaye.

Eid Lekar Aata Hai Dher Sari Khusiya,
Eid Mita Deta Hai Insan Mai Duriya,
Eid Hai Khuda Ka Ek Nayam Tofa,
Eisi Liye Kahte Hai Sab Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak Ho Aapko,
Dher Sari Tarif Aur Khusiya Mile Aapko
But, Jab Eidi Mile Aapko To Please.
Aap Yaad Karna Sirf Humko
Happy Bakra Eid 2022

Aaj Se Amiri Garibi Ka Fasle Nahi Rahe,
Har Insan Ek Duje Ko Aapna Bhai Kahe,
Aaj Sab Kuch Bhool Ka Aa Gale Lag Jaye,
Mubarak Ho Tuje Yeh Eid.
Happy Bakra Eid 2022.

Jab Kabhi Bin Mange App Per Khushiyon Ki Barsaat Ho,
Jab Kabi App Ka Dil Anjaani Khushi Se Betaab Ho,
To Samaj Lena Koi Aap Ko Duaon Main Yaad Karta Hain.
Happy Bakra Eid 2022

Hansi Khushi Teri Jiwan Ka Har Safar Guzre.
Meri Dua Hai Ki Teri Eid Khobsurat Guzre.
Eid-Ul-Zuha(Bakr-Id) Mubarik.
Happy Eid-Ul-Zuha

Gulsan Ko Kar Rahi Moatar Hawa-E-Eid.
Aata Nahi Kuch Nazar Kuch Bhi Siwaye Eid.
Meri Taraf Se Eid Mubarak Ho Aap Ko.
Bas Mere Pass Hai Yahi To Tohfa E-Eid.
Happy Bakra Eid 2022

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak Quotes

Aaj Khuda Ki Hum Par Ho Meharbani.
Karde Maaf Humlogo Ki Sari Naffirdami.
Eid Ke Din Aao Milar Kare Ye Wada.
Khuda Ke Hi Rahe Hum Humesa.
Eid Mubarak
Happy Eid Ul Adha 2022

Allaah Hoo Akabar, Allaah Hoo Akabar, Allaah Hoo Akabar,
Kya Eed Ul Adha Par Aapakee Praarthana Hai,
Allaah Aap Sabhee Ko Aasheervaad De Sakate Hain Aur Aapakee Ichchhaen Turant Aatee Hain,
Eed Ul Adha Mubaarak

Ap Aur Aapake Parivaar Ke Lie Eed Mubaarak,
Allaah Ke Maargadarshan,
Aur Aasheervaad Maee,
Aur Tumhaare Parivaar Ke Saath Ho.

Jub Kabi Binn Mangay,
App Par Khushiyoon Ki Bersaat Hoo,
Jub Kabi App Ka Dil Anjaani Khushi,
Say Betaab Ho,
Toh Samaaj Lenaa,
Koi Aap Ko Duaon Main Yaad Ker Rahaa Hai,
Happy Eid Day.

Ah Kis Tara Yad A Ray H0,
Aankhain Band Hain Phr B Nazar,
A Rahy H0 Na Jany Ky0N Aysaa,
Lgta Hay Samny Khare H0 R Sing,
Hala Rahy H0 Wish U,
Happy Bakra Eid.

Chure Kary0 Kayar Tuh Taiz,
Itna Kay Har Takbeer Sy Pehly,
Bakra Chure Say Khud P0Chay,
Bata Mayri Khata Kayya Hai,
Advance Bakra Eid Mubarak.

Yeh Kis Tarah Yad A Rahy Ho,
Aankhain Band Hain Phr B Nazar A Rahy Ho,
Na Jany Kyon Aysaa Lgta Hay,
Samny Khare Ho R Seeng Hala Rahy Ho,
Wish U Happy Bakra Eid.

Huda Karey K Tum Ko Judai Na Mile,
Kabhi Bhi Tanhai Na Mile,
Mujhe Msg Na Karo To,
Kuchh Aisa Ho,
K Waqt Ho Qurbani Ka.
Aur Tum Ko Qasaai Na Mile.
Eid Mubarak

Gulshan Ko Kar Rahi Moattar Hawa-E-Eid.
Aata Nahi Nazar Kuch B Siwaye Eid.
Meri Taraf Se Eid Mubarak Ho Aap Ko.
Bus Mere Pass Hai Yehi Tohfaa Bakra-E-Eid.
Happy Eid Ul Azha.
Eid Mubarak

Aasmaan Me Chaand Chadh Aaya Hai,
Sitaron Ne Bhi Aanchal Lehraaya Hai,
Aa Gaa Len Hum Khushi Ke Geet,
Dost Mere Mubarak Ho Tumhein Ye Eid,
Eid Mubarak 2022

Top 100 Bakrid Mubarak Quotes

Aasha Hai Ki Lav Aur Laugar, Garmee,
Khushee Aur Eed Kee Shubhakaamanaen,
Aanand, Aapake Eed Aur Aapaka Jeevan Ka Ek Hissa Banen.

Eed Ul Adha Ke Pavitr Avasar Par, Jo Haj Ka Jashn Manaata Hai ,
Kya Aap Khushee Se Bhare Rahen Aur Jeevan Ke Maadhyam Se Aapakee Yaatra Ke Har Charan Mein Allaah Ke Aasheervaad Praapt Ho Sakate Hain.
Eid Mubarak!

Wo Chaand Dekha Gaya Hai Ki Samoaas Yahaan Taiyaar Hain, Eeaeedee Aata Hai,
Bas Itane Saare Due Hain Ki Main Keval Anurodh Karata Hoon Aur Sirph Aap Ko Shubhakaamanaen Dena Chaahata Hoon.
Eid Ul Adha Mubarak 2022.

Jaisa Ki Aap Allaah Se Praarthana Karate Hain Aur Eed-Ul-Adha Kee Sachchee Bhaavana Mein Aapake Balidaanon Kee Peshakash Karate Hain ,
Yahaan Yah Aasha Hai Ki Aapakee Sabhee Ichchhaon Ko Poora Kiya Gaya Hai Aur Praarthanaon Ka Uttar Diya Gaya Hai.

Eid Ul Adha Iz Eeaeedee Balidaan,
Allaah Ke Aadeshon Kee Enadee Pratibaddhata,
Allaah Aasheervaad De Sakate Hain Amerika Vida Ho,
Jeevan Ke Sabhee Chakron Mein,
Enadee Sabhee Amerika Mein Madad Karen,
Dablyooecho Aar Helpales Chintit.

Aasmaan Me Chaand Chadh Aaya Hai,
Sitaron Ne Bhi Aanchal Lehraaya Hai,
Aa Gaa Len Hum Khushi Ke Geet,
Dost Mere Mubarak Ho Tumhein Ye Eid,
Eid Mubarak

Eid Ul Adha Ke Pavitr Avasar Par Jo Haj Ka Jashn Manaata Hai,
Kya Aap Khushiyon Se Bhare Rahen Aur Jeevan Ke Maadhyam ,
Se Aapakee Yaatra Ke Har Charan Mein Allaah Ke Aasheervaad Praapt Ho Sakate Hain.
Eid Mubarak!

Phoolon Ki Tarah Haste Raho,
Bhanwaron Ki Tarah Gungunao,
Allah Ka Ho Naam Labon Par,
Jamkar Ye Eid Manao,
Eid Mubarak 2022.

Suraj Ne Bheji Hai Roshani Kiranon Me,
Phoolon Ne Bheji Hai Mahak Hawaon Me,
Aap Eid Ke Chaand Se Jagmagaate Rahen,
De Asar Itna Khuda Hamaari Duaaon Me,
Eid Mubarak 2022


Celebrate this Bakraa Eid with your friends and family, don’t forget to pray for me.


Best wishes from me and my family for you on the Bakrid 2022


May you get everything halal thing and desire and reach all your goals in life. Happy Bakrid 2022


This Bakrid brings all happiness in your life, which makes your life perfect and Akhirat peaceful!


Bakrid 2022, which you can share with your friends and family!


Happy Bakrid 2022, you can use all of the above status and quotes on your Facebook & Whatsapp profiles.

Related Tags: Bakrid Mubarak 2022,

Bakrid 2022,

Eid al-Adha, Bakrid status,

Bakrid quotes,

Bakrid wishes,


Top 100 Eid Ul Adha Mubarak – Images, Wishes, Greetings, Quotes

Eid Ul Adha Mubarak: Today we come up with amazing collection of Eid Ul Adha 2020. Which you can share on your social media accounts such Facebook Status – Whatsapp Status or Instagram Captions. Eid Ul Adha Images, Eid Ul Adha Wishes, Eid Ul Adha Greetings, Eid Ul Adha Quotes.

Top 100 Eid Ul Adha Mubarak 2018 Images Wishes Greetings Quotes

Top 100 Eid Ul Adha Mubarak – Images, Wishes, Greetings, Quotes

1. Eid days are meant to celebrate the goals and the achievements that make you happiest. The ideals you beleive in, the dream you love the best. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2020!

2. Eid is a precious gift from God. Happy Eid-ul-Adha.


My well wishes, my good wishes for you are the just prayers for your long happy life from God on this noble event. Wish you a very Happy Eid-ul-adha My Dear.

  1. May God bless you with the abundance of new friends, and all other blessings. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  2. No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today, tomorrow and every day… Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak!
  3. Wishing you all a very happy eid, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours through out the year. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak 2022.
  4. Eid Mubarak to you and your family. May the guidance and blessings of Allah be with you and your family. Happy Eid-ul-adha Mubarak.
  5. I wish you a life full for the smiles & amp,happiness. Happy Eid-ul-adha!
  6. Having you in my life is a blessing and on Eid Ul Adha. I wish that it stays forever.
  7. May Allah’s blessings be with you today and always. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak 2022.
  8. On Eid ul-Ad’ha, wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and lead to happiness, Peace, and success. Happy Eid-ul-Adha 2022!
  9. All the loving wishes for you today to bring much happiness your way. Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak!
  10. Eid is a precious gift from God. Eid-ul-Ad’ha 2022
  11. I wish you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of his love at Eid and always. Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak 2022
  12. A Messages Of Sympathy And Harmony. Don’t Forget The Poor On This Eid. Let Us Be A Helping Hand For Them. Happy Eid-ul-Adha 2022!
  13. May this festival brighten your life,And bring you peace, joy and happiness wish you a blessed. Eid ul Adha Mubarak.
  14. May God give you the happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid-ul-adha To You All.
  15. I wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid ul Adhaa.
  16. Eid-ul-adha. May Allah Blessings Be With You Today, Tomorrow, And Always.
  17. Wish you a great smile, laugh and successes for you on this day of Eid. Have a wonderful Eid day. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  18. May beautiful flowers keep you in smilling frame of happiness on Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  19. Wish you a great smile, laugh and successes for you on this day of Eid. Have a wonderful Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  20. May you be guided by your faith in Allah & amp,shine in his divine blessings. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022
  21. Wish you and your family the blessings of Allah, kindness of Allah and help of Allah on this day of Eid. Eid-ul-adha mubarak to everyone.
  22. May the choicest blessing of Allah fill your life with joy and prosperity. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak 2022
  23. May this festival shows you with love, peace, godness warmth and blessing of Allah. Happy Eid-ul-adha!
  24. Wishing you an eid that brings with it love and protection of Allah to stay always. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  25. Wish you a great smile, laugh and successes for you on this day of eid. Have a wonderful Eid-ul-adha.
  26. Eid-ul-adha to all Muslims around the world and may the blessings of Allah be with you today, tomorrow, and always.
  27. May Allah brings you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid-ul-adha 2022
  28. All the loving wishes for you today to bring much happiness your way. Eid-ul-adha mubarak 2022!
  29. A message Of sympathy and harmony. Dot forget the poor on this Eid-ul-adha. Let us Be a helping hand for them.
  30. Look outside! It’s so pleasant!! The sun’s smiling for you, The trees are dancing for you,The birds are singing for you because I requested them all to wish you, Eid-ul-adha Mubarak 2022
  31. Let all your obstacles vanish in just a fraction of the second. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  32. On Eid ul-adha, wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and lead to happiness, Peace and success.
  33. I wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid ul Adhaa 2022!
  34. Wishing you and Eid that brings with it the love and protection of Allah to stay… Always!! Eid-ul-adha Mubarak
  35. May beautiful flowers keep you in smiling frame of happiness on Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  36. The dream you love the best. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  37. May beautiful flowers keep you in smiling frame of happiness on eid-ul-adha. Wish you a very happy sweet Eid!
  38. May this festival show’s you with love, peace, goodness warmth and the blessing of Allah.
  39. I wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  40. May the blessing of Allah fill your life with happiness, success, and good health, Eid-ul-adha 2022 Mubarak!
  41. A time for joy, a time for togetherness, a time to remember my blessings…For me… it’s you! May Allah Bless you & amp;Give u all the joy u bring to my life! Eid-ul-adha 2022 Mubarak!
  42. With all the roses perfume And with all the lights in the world, And with all the children’s smiles. I wish you a very happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  43. Accept my deep heart prayers for you successful life on this day of Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  44. Eat, Pray, Love, Share, Happy Eid ul-adha 2022.
  45. May this happy day be the brightest and the best Eid you have ever had. Eid-ul-adha 2022 Mubarak.
  46. The bunch of flowers is being specially delivered to you & amp; Your family. Just to say. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  47. Before the golden Sun rise, let me decorate each of the Rays with wishes of success, prosperity, and happiness for you and your family. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  48. Eid-ul-adha brought blessings of god. In the form of Spiritual happiness. To you and your family and For your friends. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  49. Wishing you a happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  50. O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. He is an outright enemy to you. Happy Eid-ul-Adha 2022!
  51. Eid-ul-adha: May this blessing of Allah fill your life with pleasure and open all the door of success now and always.
  52. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. Eid-ul-adha 2022 Mubarak.
  53. On the holy occasion of eid. Here is wishing that, may the blessing of Allah light up your way and lead you to eternal happiness, success and peace. Eid-ul -adha 2022!
  54. To a very special person close to may heart! May Allah bless you and you may have a joyous Eid-ul-adha celebrations.
  55. Eid-ul-adha to all Muslims around the world, may the blessings of Allah be with you today, tomorrow, and always.
  56. As allah waters his creation, may he also sprinkle his wondrous blessings over you and your beloved ones? Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  57. The best of all gifts around any eid is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  58. Celebrating the day of Eid-ul-adha with ur muslim brother is like a big relief and unity among us.
  59. May your homes and hearts be filled with joyful spirit of Eid. Laugh, Live, Love. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  60. Wishing you all a very happy Eid-ul-adha, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours throughout the year.
  61. May Allah shower countless blessing upon You and Your Family. Keep me in your prayers. Eid-ul-adha 2022 Mubarak.
  62. I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid. May allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. EId-ul-adha 2022.
  63. Hold to forgiveness, command what is right but turn away from the ignorant. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  64. There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. God is Hearer, Omniscient. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  65. And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn becomes distinct to you from the black thread [of night]. Then complete the fast until the sunset. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  66. Allah sees all your sacrifice within you blessing and rewards of hundreds folds for your family. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  67. By no means shall you attain al-birr (righteousness) until you spend (in Allaah’s cause) of that which you love. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  68. Hope love and laughter, warmth, wishes joy and a bouquet of eid wishes, and jubilations Became a part of your Eid and Your Life. Eid-ul-adha 2022 mubarak!
  69. May the blessings of Allah fill your life with pleasure & open all the doors of success now & always. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  70. The moon has been sighted The samosas are ready Here comes Eid-ul-adha so just go steady Lots of dua”s are all I request and just wanted to wish you all the best!
  71. Sending you warm wishes on Eid and wishing that it brings your way ever joys and happiness. Remember me in your prayers. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak 2022!
  72. It’s more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too, for it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it’s meant for you. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  73. May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid-ul-adha.
  74. May the blessing of God load your life with peace, happiness and success! Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  75. Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good. Happy Eid-ul-adha Mubarak.
  76. Hoping sincerely that this Eid-ul-adha day brings warm, happy hours and bright, happy things light hearted moments of friendship and fun to help make your Eid a wonderful one! Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  77. May allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  78. May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness to your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  79. Your wishes made my Eid-ul-adha even more joyous and warm thank you hope Allah keeps showering his blessing on you and your dear ones.
  80. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  81. All the loving wishes for you today to bring much happiness your way. Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  82. The blessing of god lighten up your way and lead you the happiness, success & peace. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  83. And the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues. Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.
    Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022!
  84. Live your life like everyday is ramadan and the Akhirah will become your Eid-ul-adha.
  85. May the blessings of Allah keep your heart & home happy & Joyous. Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  86. Of all the days to celebrate this out shines the rest, here is hoping that this eid is happiest and best Eid-ul-adha to all.
  87. I wish you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of his love at Eid-ul-adha and always.
  88. He who keeps awake on the night of two eids (Al Fitr & Al Adha) expecting reward from Allah, his heart would not die on the day when hearts [of others] Die.
  89. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and sins, and ease the suffering of all people around the globe. Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  90. Peace, blessings, faith may the blessings of Allah be with you. Happy Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  91. May the day delight and the moments measure all the special joys for all of you to treasure. May the year ahead be fruitful too, for your home and family and especially for you. Happy Eid-ul-adha to all!
  92. May the blessed occasion of Eid-ul-Adha grace you with happiness and fill your home with peace.
  93. With all the love an sms can hold, and happy wishes too. This comes to say may this Eid-ul-adha day be wonderful for you.
  94. Do you know the meaning of eid? I think it means “Enjoy in duniya!” so and your life all moments bring eid for you. Wish you Happy Eid-ul-adha 2022.
  95. Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving Thoughts because it’s meant for you. Eid-ul-adha Mubarak!
  96. Eid is joyful day for Muslims. Happy Eid-ul-adha.
  97. Wishing you a very successful Eid-ul-adha.

Related Tags: Eid Ul Adha Mubarak 2022,

  1. Eid Ul Adha Images,
  2. Eid Ul Adha Wishes,
  3. Eid Ul Adha Greetings,
  4. Eid Ul Adha Quotes.