Top Books about Independence of India

Top Books about Independence of India: In this content, you will read a list of books that are written by some Urdu writers on the topic of the Independence of India from British rulers. In these books, the writers prove how the Muslims gave sacrifices to free India from the foreign rulers. We have given the original names of books and their writers’ names below.

Independence day of India

Top Books about Independence of India

    1. Azadi se Jumhooriyat Tak
    2. Tahreek e Azadi me Muslim Ulama aur Awam Ka Kirdar
    3. Tareekh e Jang e Azadi e Hind 1857,
    4. Hazrat Thanvi aur Tahreek e Azadi
    5. Tareekh e Tahreek  e Azadi e Hind
    6. Tahreek e Azadi
    7. Buzurgan e Deoband aur Siyasi Khidmat
    8. Hind ki Jang e Azadi me Musalmano ka Hissa
    9. Tahreek e Azadi me Ulama ka Kirdar
    10. Tahreek e Shaikh Ul Hind
    11. Tahreek e Reshmi Roomal,
    12. Tahreek e Reshmi Roomal- Mukhtasar Taaruf
    13. Reshmi Roomal Tahreek aur Shaikhul Hind
    14. Shah Waliyullah Aur Unki Siyasi Tahreek
    15. Tahreek e Azadi e Fikr aur Shah Waliyullah Ki Tajdeedi Masayi,
    16. Hindustan ki Jang e Azadi aur Ulama e Ludhiyana
    17. Hind ki Pahli Islami Tahreek
    18. Maidan e Shamli wa Thana Bhuwan aur Sarfaroshan e Islam
    19. Tahreek e Azadi aur Islah e Awam men Adab e Islami ka Hissa
    20. Azadi ki Nazmen
    21. Khutbat e Azadi e Watan
    22. Azadi e Hind men Musalmano ka Kirdar
    23. Safarnama Aseer e Malta
    24. Hamen Bartanwi Samraj ne Kese Loota Top Books about Independence of India

    Top Books about Independence of India

    آزادی سے جمہوریت تک /ندیم الواجدی

  • تحریک آزادی میں مسلم علماء اور عوام کا کردار /مفتی سلمان منصور پوری
  •  تاریخ جنگ آزادی ہند 1857 /سید خورشید مصطفی رضوی
  • حضرت تھانوی اور تحریک آزادی /پروفیسر احمد سعید
  •  تاریخ تحریک آزادئ ہند /تارا چند
  •  تحریک آزادی /آزاد
  • بزرگان دارالعلوم دیوبند اور سیاسی خدمات
  • ہند کی جنگ آزادی میں مسلمانوں کا حصہ/ ڈاکٹر مظفرالدین فاروقی
  •  تحریک آزادی میں علماء کا کردار /فیصل ندوی
  •  تحریک شیخ الہند /سید محمد میاں
  •  تحریک ریشمی رومال نمبر/الجمعیۃ
  •  تحریک ریشمی رومال ایک مختصر تعارف /مفتی سلمان منصورپوری
  •  ریشمی رومال تحریک اور شیخ الہند
  •  شاہ ولی اللہ اور ان کی سیاسی تحریک /عبیداللہ سندھی
  •  تحریک آزادی فکر اور شاہ ولی اللہ کی تجدیدی مساعی /اسماعیل سلفی
  •  ہندوستان کی جنگ آزادی اور علماء لدھیانہ
  •  ہند کی پہلی اسلامی تحریک /مسعود عالم ندوی
  •  میدان شاملی و تھانہ بھون اور سرفروشان اسلام
  •  تحریک آزادی اور اصلاح عوام میں ادب اسلامی کا حصہ /ابوالحسن ندوی
  •  آزادی کی نظمیں /سبط حسن
  •  خطبات آزادی وطن /ابراہیم گجراتی (2)
  •  آزادی ہند میں مسلمانوں کا کردار /یونس قاسمی
  • سفرنامہ اسیر مالٹا /مولانا حسین احمد مدنی
  •  ہمیں برطانوی سامراج نے کیسے لوٹا /مولانا حسین احمد مدنی


That’s all about in this article, we will add these books’ links so that you can read these books online.

Related Tags: Top Books about Independence of India

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Nawaqid al-Wudu – Nullifiers of ablution – Things That Invalidate Wudu

Nawaqid al-Wudu – Nullifiers of ablution – (Nullifiers of Wudu) Things That Invalidate Wudu (Invalidators of Wudu) In this article, we have covered the invalidators of ablution, kinds of ablution and we have also mentioned the things which are not invalidators. You may read here when the ablution is necessary or obligatory and when it is desirable.

invalidators of ablution nawaqid e wudu

Nawaqid al-Wudu – Nullifiers of ablution

Kinds of ablution

  1. Obligatory
  2. Compulsory
  3. Desirable

Invalidators of ablution

The ablution is invalidated if one of the following happens:

  1. anything like urine excrement of flatus comes out of either the penis or the anus.
  2. blood or pus comes out of the body and spreads of the skin such that the purification of the skin becomes necessary
  3. blood comes out with saliva in a quantity greater than or equal to saliva
  4. the person vomits out food water blood clot or bile and the quantity is a mouthful.
  5. the person sleeps and his buttocks do not remain on the ground.
  6. he falls unconscious
  7. he loses sanity
  8. he gets intoxicated
  9. A non-sleeping adult laughs with sound during a salah consisting of bowings and prostrations.

If a child laugh loudly in a salah, his ablution will not be invalidated

The ablution of a sleeping person is also not invalidated due to a loud laugh

Similarly, if the person laughs loud in funeral salah or Quran recitation prostration his ablution remains valid.

The things which do not invalidate ablution

how to perform ablution wudu steps

The following things appear similar to ablution invalidators but they are not ablution invalidators

  • Blood appears at a cut but does not flow over its place
  • A piece of flesh falls down but blood does not flow out
  • A person vomits but the vomit is not a mouthful
  • A worm comes out of a wound an ear
  • He vomits phlegm
  • A Salah offerer falls asleep during salah
  • He touches his penis with his hand
  • The person touches another person of the opposite sex
  • A sleeping person sways while in a posture that does not invalidate ablution.

When is ablution obligatory?


  • Offering salah
  • Funeral salah
  • Prostration of Quran recitation
  • Touching the Holy Quran

When is ablution compulsory (Wajib)?

  • Ablution is compulsory (Wajib )for circumambulation of Kabah

When is ablution desirable?

complete hajj guide

Ablution is desirable in the following cases:


  • Sleeping with ceremonial purity
  • Reciting the Holy Quran verbally
  • Reading or narrating hadiths
  • Studying any Islamic book
  • Major salah call (Adaan)
  • Delivering Fridays Arabic sermon (Khutba)
  • Visiting prophets pilgrimage (Roza)
  • Running between Safa and Marwah to and fro during the pilgrimage. (Saee)
  • Bathing a dead body
  • Carrying a dead body towards the grave
  • Ablution over the existing ablutionary state with the intention of earning the reward.
  • On getting up from sleep
  • To be with ceremonial purity perpetually
  • After committing an act of backbiting slander or lying and any other kind of sin
  • After loud laughter outside salah
  • At the time of every salah
  • Before bathing
  • Before eating drinking or sleeping
  • When angry

That’s all in this article. Hope you would be feeling happy to be with us here. Follow us to read more articles like it. Jazakallah

RELATED TAGS: Nawaqid al-Wudu – Nullifiers of ablution

nawaqid of wudu
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what breaks wudu hanafi
things that break wudu
what breaks wudu
nawaqid wudu
things that invalidate wudu
nawaqid meaning in English

What is Wudu & How to Perform? Meaning & Steps of Ablution [Wudu]

What is Wudu & How to Perform? Meaning & Steps of Ablution with Pictures: The literal meaning of the Arabic word wudu is beauty and cleanliness.

In sharia, ceremonial purification obtains with water which includes washing the face, hands, feet, and wet with water the forehead is called ablution or wudu. No salat is valid without ablution.

how to perform ablution wudu steps

What is Wudu & How to Perform?


Allah Says in the Quran:

O believers when you stand up for salah wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, do masah of your heads and wash your feet up to the ankles.

How should we perform the ablution?

  • Find clean water and sit in a high place, preferably sit facing Qibla.
  • Now fold up your sleeves over your elbows and Say Bismillah, you can recite the dua of wudu.
  • Then, wash your hands including wrist joints at least three times.
  • Brush your teeth with a Miswak or tooth stick if you have not, then rub your teeth with your fingers,
  • Draw up the water into your nostrils at least three times and clean them out with a little finger of your left hand.
  • Now, wash your face three times it’s obligatory don’t dash water on your face instead run water on your forehead gently and wash the face from your forelocks down to the lower part of the chin extending to your ears.
  • Wash three times your right forearm including the elbows then washes your left forearm in the same manner.
  • Wet your palms with water and pass them over your head, ears, and neck in order.
  • Finally, wash three times your right foot including the ankles, and then wash your left foot likewise including ankles in the order.

Here we clearly told about all wudu activities but the categorization of wudu is as below:

Essentials of Ablution

  1. Washing the face
  2. Washing the hands with elbows
  3. Wiping the quarter of head with Wet hands
  4. Washing the feet with ankles.

Traditions of Ablution

invalidators of ablution nawaqid e wudu

Now we remind you of the sunnah in wudu (These are the traditions of the beloved prophet so to make the wudu perfect we should act these traditions also)

  1. Intention- make intention before starting the ablution
  2. Bismillah- recite Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
  3. washing the hands- wash your hands up to the wrists
  4. Cleaning the teeth- clean your teeth with a tooth stick (Miswak) or with your fingers
  5. Rinsing the mouth – Rinse out your mouth
  6. Sniff water into your nose
  7. rinse and sniff thoroughly
  8. Total head wetting – wipe the entire head once with wet hands
  9. ears – wipe both the ears inside and outside the ears with wet fingers
  10. run your wet fingers through the beard from below
  11. run your wet fingers through the fingers of other hands
  12. scrub your organs while washing
  13. wash the next organ before drying the previous one
  14. Three times washing – wash every body organ thrice
  15. wash the organ with the order that is in the Quran
  16. wash the right before left
  17. start wiping the head with wet hands from the front of the head
  18. wipe the neck with wet hands but not the throat

Ettiquett of ablutiion

Mustahbbat wudu

  • sit on a raised place
  • sit facing the qibla
  • not seek help from others
  • inserting the wet fingers inside the earholes while wiping the ears
  • shake loose-fitting ring
  • lift up water for rinsing and sniffing in the right hand
  • use the right hand for nose picking
  • upon completing the ablution stand facing the qibla and recite the second kalma with allahummaj alni minat tawwabeen waj’alni minal mutatahhireen
  • kinds of ablution
  • invalidator of ablution
  • things which do not invalidate the ablution
  • salah is not valid without ablution
  • you cant touch the Holy Quran without ablution

Final Words

That’s not all about ablution we will soon cover all things relate the ablution. Stay tuned and tell us what do you want to know through the comment section.

Related Tags: What is Wudu, How to Perform wudu? Meaning & Steps of Ablution, Wudu

Meditation Tips for Anger – Learn How to Control Anger

Ways to control anger: The anger is a disease that eats the qualities of a person gradually who does not care of this disease. If you are also affected with this disease, you should be aware of this curse. Here, in this articles we have collected some methods to control the anger. Some of them are found in the books of the hadith.

ways to control anger

Anger Management According to Islam: 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper

  • The first method is that when a person gets angry, he should recite La Hawla Wala Quwwata illa Billah.

With the blessing of these words, Satan, who runs in the state of anger, like blood in the veins and plays with his heart like a ball, runs away and the anger is controlled.

  • If the anger does not end with these words, seek refuge in Allah, with the words of Aooz-u-Billahi-Minash-Shaitanir-Rajim.

By reciting these words Allah will give refuge from anger.

  • If the anger does not end with these words, change your position.

For example, if you were lying down, you should sit down, if you were sitting, you should get up and stand up, if you were standing, you should take two steps and change your place.

By changing the place, Allah will calm your anger.

  • If  anger is not even colder, then you should perform ablution with the cold water.

With the blessing of ablution, Allah will put an end to your anger.

  • If the anger does not go away even after performing Wudhu, then he should offer two rak’ats of prayers

And in the state of prostration think. “I am a helpless servant of Allah lying in prostration, if today I do not forgive anyone’s mistake. So how will Allah forgive my mistakes on the Day of Resurrection?”

Mashaikh have said that when one goes into prostration and imagines one’s humility, then the anger will cool down completely.

  • If a person’s anger is not cooled by this, then Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say. Take some water and put it in your nose,

It will cools down the anger quickly.

  • If even this does not end the anger of the man, then ask for the same prayer that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Ayesha Siddiqah (may Allah be pleased with her).

That prayer was,

“O Lord of Muhammad, forgive me my sins, remove the anger of my heart and save me from the seductive temptations.”

  • And even if the anger does not cool down, then the last way is to recite Durood Sharif on the Prophet a few times.

It is a fact that by reciting Durood Sharif a few times, Allah saves us from anger.

Thats why in Arab, if two men started arguing, the Arabs immediately say, Salloo Ala Mohammad, Salloo Ala Mohammad”

You should control your anger in these ways and forgive others quickly so that on the Day of Resurrection, God Almighty will forgive you too.

Related Tags: Meditation tips for anger – Learn How to Control Anger